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This aluminum skillet has handles on both sides.

The matte gold color is stylish yet somehow retro.

Durable and easy to carry, it is useful in outdoor situations.

It can be used for a wide range of cooking, not only over an open flame or gas stove, but also in the oven.

To compensate for the disadvantages of aluminum, such as being troublesome to clean and easily scratched, the surface is protected by an acid anodizing process. Unlike plating, there is no risk of the finish peeling off.

The part where food is placed is treated with fluoroplastic to prevent food from sticking to it.

The handle can be hooked onto a hook for storage.

Aluminum skillet 18cm

Sales Tax Included
  • サイズ/ 約24.1(取っ手含む) x 高さ4.2cm
    材質/ アルミニウム合金(外面:しゅう酸アルマイト加工 内面 : ふっ素樹脂塗膜加工)
    原産国/ 日本



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