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It is a simple and modern stainless-steel cutlery which is also the concept of "63 -Rokusan, that can be used for everyone, regardless of gender.

It is painted with a deep matte black without gloss.

Black is also said to be "a color that bring out the color of ingredients," and you can enjoy a beautiful contrast with tableware and dishes. It has a smooth touch and is easy to hold.

It will fit in your hand, making it comfortable to use.

Rokusan Black Cutlery Dessert Spoon

Sales Tax Included
  • サイズ/ 約3.5×17.3cm
    材質/ 18-8ステンレス(アクリルシリコン塗装)
    生産国/ 日本


  • 商品到着から7日以上経過した商品につきましては、原則交換・返品はお受けできません。




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