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A pure white porcelain lemon juicer with a teacup motif.
The lemon slides into the mountain in the center of the cup and squeezes the juice in no time, without any strong force.

The depth of the cup prevents the juice from spilling or splattering around.

With a spout and a handle, you can put the squeezed juice into black tea or meal.

Taking advantage of the depth, you can make dressings in the cup.
There is no need of transferring it to plate.

Rokusan Teacup Lemon Juicer

Sales Tax Included
  • サイズ/ 約Ф9.2(取っ手を含み12)×6.3cm
    材質/ 磁器
    原産国/ 中国


  • 商品到着から7日以上経過した商品につきましては、原則交換・返品はお受けできません。


